Akon to build a futuristic ‘crypto-city’ called ‘Akon City’ in Senegal

Akon announced via his social media channels in January that he is building a city of the future in Africa which is to be called AKON CITY

“Just finalized the agreement for AKON CITY in Senegal. Looking forward to hosting you there in the future,” the musical artist of Senegalese descent tweeted.

Akon City, which was authorized by Senegal’s state-owned SAPCO tourism company will be a “crypto-city” built on 2,000 acres of land.

For money, residents will use a cryptocurrency known as AKoin.

The city, a five-minute drive outside of Dakar, will be billed as a global eco-tourism destination.

Senegal’s tourism ministry hinted that the singer wanted to build a sustainable ecotourism village that would “campaign for the environment.”

Akon City shall run entirely on renewable energy through the artist’s solar-power project, Akon Lighting Africa

“Beyond his status as an artist, it is Akon, the investor who believes in Africa,” the tourism ministry said in a statement before the ceremony.

“With the AKoin we are building cities, the first one being in Senegal,” the singer, whose real name is Aliaune Thiam, explained. “We’re securing the land and closing out all the legislation papers for the city. We want to make it a free zone and cryptocurrency-driven as a test market.