“Dirty Banknotes May Be Spreading Coronavirus” – WHO Warns

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has advised people to use online mobile transaction instead of cash as banknotes may be spreading coronavirus.

The organisation on March warned that the infectious COVID-19 virus could be carried on the surface of banknotes for several days.

To stop the spread of the disease, people should use contactless payments where possible and wash their hands after handling cash, a WHO spokesman said.

The Bank of England also recognized that banknotes “can carry bacteria or viruses” and encouraged frequent hand washing.

Last month banks in China and Korea began disinfecting and isolating used banknotes as part of efforts to stem the spread of the deadly virus.

China’s central bank at a press conference said ultraviolet light or high temperature is being used to disinfect and sterilize banknotes, before the cash is sealed and stored for up to 14 days before being recirculated.