UI Faculty President writes 26-page Suicide Note after battling Health Problems

A Faculty President in the University of Ibadan has gone missing after sending a suicide note to two friends.


Jude Nicholas, the President of Nigerian Universities Education Students’ Association (NUESA), typed a 26-page long suicide note where he narrated the health challenge he’s been battling for years.

His plight began in 2017 when he had surgery for hernia. During the surgery, the doctor tampered with a major vein that supplies blood from his heart to his legs. Since then, he’s been going in and out of hospital, battling to save his legs.

He said the damaged veins became varicose veins and risk becoming gangrene which could lead to amputation.


He added photos of his legs in the suicide note he typed.

He said he kept his health challenges to himself, using whatever money he had to treat himself until he became so bad that he began visiting the hospital up to three times each week as walking became too painful.

He then opened up to a lecturer at school, asking for help from the University of Ibadan. However, his efforts to get help proved abortive.



He said it got to the point where he began “using money gotten legally and illegally” to address his health issues.

He said the money he made through cryptocurrency trading went towards treatment. He added that he also dipped hands into his faculty NUESA purse to get money to treat himself.

He said he can’t keep living this way, adding that even if he doesn’t take his life, he will “still be dying soon”.

“Death is inevitable,” he wrote.

“At this point, to die is peace for me,” he added.

Friends who shared the note on Twitter said he has been missing since he sent the suicide note out.

Family members of Jude Nicholas are asking for help to find him after the suicide note went public.