UK Bachelor Advertises for Wife on Billboards: ‘Save me from arranged marriage’

A UK-based bachelor is so desperate to find a partner, he spent several hundred pounds on multiple billboards in an attempt to get the word out.

“Save me from an arranged marriage,” read the giant 20-foot ads of 29-year-old Mohammad Malik, currently upon at least three billboards across Birmingham. The posters also feature a website Malik set up for internet denizens with leads on love:

“Hi, I’m Malik. You may have seen my face on a billboard somewhere,” the Muslim innovation consultant greats website visitors in a welcome video. “I’m 29, live in la Vida London. I’m an entrepreneur and a foodie and I’m religious.”

His current loves include food, quality conversation and learning more about his faith.

“I am looking for someone who is working on her deen,” he goes on, using the Arabic word for religion.

While Malik is “open to any ethnicity” in his future partner, he does note that they must be able to keep up with his relatives’ ability to talk a lot.

“[I] come from a loud Punjabi family, so the banter has to be 100,” he notes of one wife requirement. That family consists of his mother and father, as he’s an only child.

Those interested should “fill out the form and check out my details.”

The form is straightforward: Malik asks for contenders’ names and ages and requests they “Tell me a bit about yourself (like your age, job, are you practising etc.).”

As for the bit about arranged marriages, Malik notes in an FAQ section that he doesn’t actually have anything against the practice. “I just want to try and find someone on my own first,” he said.

While not nearly as mainstream as relying on a dating app to find a partner, Malik isn’t the only one taking out billboards in search of love: A mother recently did as much in an effort to help her daughter find a husband.