‘Fans are Being Punished’: Chelsea FC Supporters hit out against Abramovich Sanctions

Chelsea Football Club fans feel they are being “punished” themselves in the wake of the sanctions imposed on their club’s owner Roman Abramovich. Supporters dubbed the move an “absolute disgrace” and a “massive hypocrisy” while citing concerns for the future of their club.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on February 24, attempts are being made to isolate the country and its most powerful individuals. The UK government hit seven of Russia’s wealthiest and most influential oligarchs with £15 billion sanctions on Thursday (March 10), as a result of Russia’s ongoing illegal war on Ukraine. The oligarchs are closely associated with the Kremlin via their business empires, wealth, and connections.

Among those newly-sanctioned in the UK is the owner of Chelsea Football Club Roman Abramovich, who is worth more than £9 billion. He has seen his assets frozen, a prohibition on transactions with UK individuals and businesses, a travel ban, and transport sanctions imposed. However, Chelsea has been given a sporting license to continue trading as a football club, although the measures put the sale of the club in serious jeopardy.

“Disillusioned, deflated and sad” fans revealed outside the Chelsea v Newcastle United game at Stamford Bridge today (Sunday, March 13) – the last match many supporters will be able to attend for the foreseeable future.

Season ticket holders and those with existing tickets for games have still been allowed to go, but the club cannot make money from the sale of any more tickets.

Supporter Marc Bowman said he had traveled from Belfast to London today to make sure he did not miss the match as he is no longer able to buy tickets. “It’s atrocious,” he said. “It feels like a personal attack.” Peter Vranch, who went to his first Chelsea game back in 1974, thought similarly, saying: “The fans are being punished. I’m feeling deflated, disillusioned.”

Peter went on to ask, “Why does politics have to become involved in sports?” While he stressed that “the crisis in Ukraine is a crisis”, he thought that “things should be kept separate” from the game. Tommy Cox believed similarly, saying, “I think separate football from the political. What Abramovich did for the club from a football standpoint was amazing and no one will forget that. The political situation is sad. But it’s a shame that Chelsea supporters have to bear the brunt.”

Marc added that, in his opinion, Mr. Abramovich had not only done a lot for Chelsea but a lot for the whole of UK football. Khalid Alangari went so far as to say that Mr. Abramovich “did nothing wrong – it’s Russia’s fault”. He continued: “Abramovich has been a great owner. We should stand by him as he did many great things for us. It’s very bad that he’ll be leaving.” As a fan, he described feeling “disappointed” about the sanctions against the owner.