Johnny Depp’s Ex Wife, Amber Heard Dated Elon Musk To ‘Fill Up Space’

Johnny Depp’s estranged wife, Amber Heard has admitted to ‘using’ Elon Musk for space in her desperate attempts to reconcile with the actor, after accusing him of abuse, back in 2016.

This testimony has been offered by a former CAA agent Christian Carino, during the live-streamed defamation trial who revealed that Heard was not in love with Elon Musk when she dated him.

He accused Heard of ‘using’ Depp for gain and admitted he ‘never witnessed’ abuse or bruising on Heard’s face throughout the length of her marriage with Depp.

However, she allegedly used her romance with Elon Musk as ‘filled space’ just to get Depp back, according to the former agent.

He began by recalling, “[Amber] wanted me to arrange for them to get together in person. I talked to Johnny about it… he was reluctant at first and then agreed.”

Heard reportedly made assurances after requesting a meeting, and promised not to accuse Depp of voiding the restraining order at the time.

“They sat outside,” barely “inches away from each other for several hours” he recalled. But after changing locations they “started arguing.”

After the entire instance, Carino recalled text exchanges where Heard admitted, “Dealing with breakup. I hate when things go public… I’m so sad,” she claimed while referencing her public breakup from Elon Musk.

Carino remembered typing back, “You weren’t in love with him and you told me a thousand times you were just filling space.”

Heard replied to the text by saying, “I know, but I wanted time to grieve and recover in my own time.”

The conversation concluded when he advised Heard, “If you don’t like being in the press about your personal life, then don’t date people that are famous.”