MTN becomes the first Telco to Roll Out 5G in Nigeria

MTN Nigeria became the first telecommunication provider in Nigeria to roll out the 5G mobile network on August 24, 2022, months after winning the auction for the 3.5GHz 5G spectrum alongside Mafab Communications last December. The telco commenced the roll-out by switching on the network in 190 sites across the country.

It rolled out the 5G services in Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Kano, Owerri, and Maiduguri, and is currently testing the next-generation network infrastructure. Customers with certain enabled devices will be allowed to connect with and try out the new service where coverage is available.

The telco giant on Wednesday said it had turned on the 5G spectrum in Nigeria with 20,000 subscribers.

It also added that potential users can pre-order a home broadband device to experience internet “downloads in seconds, not minutes.”

“2G brought us SMS and picture messaging,” MTN CFO Modupe Kadiri said in a post. “3G was about mobile internet access. 4G made streaming and sharing a part of everyday life. 5G delivers the future and it’s here – higher internet speeds, downloads without delay, near-instant connection when streaming, using apps, loading websites, playing games, or connecting to smart home devices.

“So today we started another phase in our journey to Brighten the lives of our esteemed subscribers. Yes today we turned on the 5G spectrum and kicked off our 5G pilot. 20,000 customers with enabled devices can now try out our next-generation network where coverage is available. So seeing 5G on your phone? It means you’re part of the pilot. Welcome to the wonder of 5G!”