Chimpanzee butchers eight-month-old girl, harvest organs

Chimpanzee butchers eight-month-old girl, harvest organs

A chimpanzee, famous for its tool-using ability, has ripped an eight-month-old baby girl from her mother’s arms before taking the girl into the forest to butcher her and harvest her organs.

Seny Zogba was working in a cassava field in Bossou, Guinea when a chimp sunk his teeth into her and stole her eight-month-old baby, named Yoh Hélène.

The little girl’s mutilated body was found 3km from the Nimba Mountains Nature Reserve.

Witnesses fear the chimp used his tools to main the girl as they claim the infant had been eviscerated.

Chief researcher Gen Yamakoshi chillingly told The Times the gruesome killing was because the chimps “no longer fear humans.”

An angry mob directed their fury towards the scientists who have been studying the remarkable animal community for decades and brought the baby’s corpse to their Bossou Environmental Research Institute.

They then ransacked the building, destroying and setting fire to equipment including drones, computers, and over 200 documents, the centre’s managers said.

Joseph Doré, a young member of the group from Bossou, said: “It’s the way she was killed, that’s what angered the population.”