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NewsTop Stories

Anglican Priest Killed by 28-year-old Son in Delta

Pandemonium erupted in the agrarian community of Okpare in Olomu Kingdom, Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State on Wednesday morning following the gruesome murder of an Anglican priest by his son.

It was gathered that the priest, identified as Rev. Isaac Umurie, one of the reverends attached to St. John’s Anglican Church, Okpare-Olomu, was allegedly hacked to death in his sleep in the early hours of the day by his 28-year-old son, Ufuoma Umurie.

It was learned that the gory incident occurred around 2 a.m., with the mother narrowly escaping being butchered alongside.

The suspect allegedly chased his mother while she was attempting to save the life of her husband, but narrowly escaped unhurt, sources said.

Ufuoma, who is presently in the police net, was said to have used a cutlass to hack his father’s skull and other parts of his body while asleep before neighbors and church members could gain access to the apartment.

Although what led to the incident was still sketchy as of the time of filing this report, multiple sources in the community alleged that Ufuoma was mentally unstable and that it was the second time that the suspect would be attacking the deceased father.


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