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Bianca Censori Accused of Sending Porn to Yeezy Employees new lawsuit alleging ‘degrading treatment’

Kanye’s wife, Bianca Censori has been accused of sending porn to Yeezy employees in a new bombshell lawsuit.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Kanye West’s wife allegedly shared a link to “hardcore” sexual content with an employee after the rapper announced the launch of his adult film business “Yeezy Porn” in April.

The filing alleges the videos were accessible to employees who were minors amid the development of West’s forthcoming porn app.

However, Censori, 29, wasn’t listed as a defendant in the lawsuit.

According to documents, Kanye and his former chief of staff Milo Yiannopoulos were both named as defendants for allegedly not paying employees for the long hours worked to produce a finished app by May 1.

The lawsuit claims West, 47, and Yiannopoulos, 39, engaged in “forced labor and cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment” as employees were allegedly subjected to racist remarks and referred to as “new slaves” while developing the porn app as well as a streaming app, YZYVSN, to compete with Apple Music and Spotify.

West and Yiannopoulos allegedly hired a group of international Black developers, including several under the age of 14, to help build the apps.

According to the documents, the employees were primarily remote but often communicated with the rapper’s team online via Slack and Zoom.

The workers claim Yiannopoulos was supposed to pay them $120,000 when the app was complete, as long as they agreed to work demanding hours and there were no complaints.

They were allegedly ordered to sign non-disclosure agreements or face termination without pay. The minor developers were allegedly required to sign “volunteer” agreements.

During their employment, the workers allege that white managers often used degrading language toward them depending on their age, sex, race, and sexual orientation.

Yiannopoulos allegedly sent one Black employee an emoji of a person with dark skin and allegedly called another a “school shooter.”

In addition to the unpaid wages and overtime pay, the employees are also seeking damages for emotional distress.

In May, it was confirmed that Yiannopoulos resigned from Yeezy over the Grammy winner’s plans to venture into the porn industry.

“I wish Ye every success in the future. I have some concerns about his new team, and hope he proceeds with caution,” the far-right political commentator told TMZ.

Yiannopoulos expressed his concerns about West’s business plans in his resignation letter, saying he’s not willing to participate because it would be “an imminent danger to my life as a recovering addict and an unacceptable risk to my spiritual and physical health as a former homosexual.”


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