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Fearless Bags Most Outstanding Energy Drink in Consumer Engagement

From Left: Segun McMedal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Upticomm Marketing Company; with Olawale Odenusi, Digital Lead, Rite Foods Limited, holding the Fearless Energy Drink “Most Outstanding Energy Drink in Consumer Engagement” Award plaque; and Rosemary Egabor-Afolayan, Head of Commercial Department, News Central TV; at the BrandCom Awards organised by Brand Communicator, in Lagos, on November 4, 2023.


Fearless Energy Drink, the number one energy drink in Nigeria, is celebrating its recent recognition at the BrandCom Awards 2023, where it was awarded the “Most Outstanding Energy Drink in Consumer Engagement.”

The event was hosted by Brand Communicator, one of Africa’s most esteemed brands and marketing publications, and took place at the Civic Centre in Victoria Island, Lagos, on the 4th of November, 2023.

This accolade follows closely on the heels of Fearless Energy Drink’s recent triumph at the African Brands Congress, where it was honoured with the title of “Africa’s Most Preferred Non-alcoholic Energy Drink.” This continued success highlights the brand’s dedication to delivering excellence and ensuring consumer satisfaction.

Fearless Energy Drink’s success in the “Most Outstanding Energy Drink in Consumer Engagement” category underscores its exceptional performance during the review period from 2022 to 2023. The brand has consistently demonstrated its unwavering commitment to actively and effectively engaging with consumers, fostering deep and enduring connections that go beyond the product itself.

This award is the highest recognition achievement given to an energy drink brand that has excelled in actively and effectively engaging with consumers. The awards evaluate various aspects, including marketing campaigns, presence on social media, customer feedback and satisfaction, sustainability initiatives, community involvement, and innovative strategies that enhance the brand’s connection with consumers.

Kanyinsola Sangowawa, the brand manager of Fearless Energy Drink, emphasizes the brand’s commitment to prioritizing consumers. “We actively listen to their feedback, offer personalised experiences, provide exceptional customer service, maintain transparency, and celebrate significant customer milestones, all of which form the foundation of our customer-centric approach. Consistency is pivotal in cultivating robust customer relationships and fostering brand loyalty.”

Fearless Energy Drink continues to strive for excellence in delivering an exceptional experience to its consumers, and this award serves as a testament to the brand’s unwavering commitment to consumer engagement and satisfaction.


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