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#IWD2023: JCI Nigeria Calls for Stronger Digital Access for Women

JCI Senator Oluwarotimi Adewole, FCIB, a multi-dimensional Chartered Insurance broker and the Chairman of the Nigerian Senate Association has joined other global leaders around the globe to mark this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD), calling for easy access to technological adoption by women and to close the gap that impedes their contribution to the digital world.

Adewole while admonishing women, the world over, in commemoration of the 2023 IWD celebration with the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” encouraged them to continue to be actively involved in the digital transformation that is currently reshaping  various spheres of human endeavours, in which women have continued to play pivotal role over the years.

Marked annually on March 8, IWD was adopted by the United Nations in 1975 as a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, violence, and abuse against women.

The JCI Nigeria Senate Association Chairman asserted that the association which has always had high regard for gender balance have institutionally implemented initiatives and policies that incorporate women’s inclusion in all the association’s programmes and projects, he also emphasized that his administration will no doubt continue to sustain this philosophy of gender equality, inclusion, and participation in its digital advancement for improved productivity in line with international standards.

He further stated that the association has consistently been implementing responsible initiatives which support the growth and development of the women-fold within the association with the innovativeness required for the achievement of set goals either as individual or as corporate members over the course of its existence.

On women’s crucial role in the family and society at large, Adewole lauded their efforts in inculcating exceptional qualities in the home as mothers and demonstrating virtues that engender positive change in the country, and globally.

According to him, an all-inclusive policy that allows women to showcase their talents gives room for them to aspire to positions of greater influence and as agents of change.

The JCI Nigeria Senate Association is a convergence of high profile individuals spread across various professional and career disciplines and endeavours across various communities in Nigeria and in the diaspora, and all of whom have made their marks in their various chosen areas of expertise as critical nation builders.



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