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Bigi Water Sponsors Pharmacists’ Conference, Promotes Wellbeing

The Bigi Premium Water brand of Rite Foods has continued in its strong commitment in promoting quality healthcare for Nigerians with the support of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) two-day Annual Summit aimed at tackling the challenges faced by pharmacists in the delivery of their services.

The ACPN Continuing Education Conference [CEC] 2023 themed ‘Overcoming Brain Drain Challenges in Community Pharmacy’ held in Lagos from Tuesday, 14 March to Wednesday 15, 2023 dwelt on several issues that would enhance the effectiveness of pharmaceutical services, strong collaboration among members of the association and enlightenment campaign on how common diseases can be addressed.

It was also in the furtherance of the association’s move to curtailing and discouraging the brain drain syndrome in the sector, where over 5,000 pharmacists have left the country in recent years for greener pastures in overseas countries.

Commenting on the ACPN’s annual event, the Chairman of the Lagos Chapter, Mr. Lawrence Ekhator, stated that the conference was targeted at updating pharmacists on recent trends in pharmaceutical practice. He said the summit which spans over 10 years, is also to empower the pharmacists and to protect the citizenry by giving them the right tools for pharmaceutical care throughout the communities they serve.

Eulogising Rite Foods’ Bigi for the sponsorship, Ekhator thanked the company for the great assistance in making the event successful, with its premium water produced with the best purification process, stating that it was a step in the right direction. “Our members are in all parts of Lagos and l hope the sponsorship is a veritable tool in making the brand available to the people through sustainable partnership with the association,” he affirmed.

Earlier on, the Managing Director of Rite Foods, Mr. Seleem Adegunwa, avowed that powering the conference was one of the ways the company, through the Bigi Premium Water, has demonstrated that it cares about the well-being of Nigerians by reaching out to them for adequate healthcare initiative.

From Left: Aladesanmi Moji, Publicity Secretary, Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN); with Lawrence Ekhator, Chairman, ACPN, Lagos Chapter; Biola Aransiola, Rite Foods’ Traditional Marketing Lead; and Charles Oyeniyi, General Secretary, ACPN; at the 2-day annual conference of ACPN held from Tuesday 14th to Wednesday 15th March 2023, in Lagos, proudly sponsored by Bigi Premium Water from the stable of Rite Foods Limited.

He added that the consumers are on topmost priority to the company and would continue in its giant stride in sponsoring projects that keep them healthy and always refreshed with the various Bigi variants.

In her presentation at the conference, Assistant Brand Manager Bigi; Biola Aransiola, explained that the award-winning Bigi brand with its unique flavours is there for every moment, catering to its teeming consumers by revitalising them at all times. She avowed that the Bigi Premium Water is also well produced for a rejuvenating experience for healthiness, to keep Nigerians satisfied when tasty.

Aransiola pointed out that the Bigi products, likewise other Rite Foods products are produced with consumers in mind, in a Truly World-class factory with modern technology and up-to-the-minute infrastructure in line with global best practices.

In a similar health scheme, Rite Foods in 2021, aided the free breast and cervical cancer screening and treatment programme of Optimal Cancer Care Foundation for women in Lagos. The exercise saw medical experts from the Foundation offering free advice about the disease, its symptoms, causes, and prevention, together with free screening and treatment.



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