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ECOWAS Moves to Secure Cyberspace

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has initiated efforts to ensure the facilitation of a secure digital common market for the growth and socio-economic development of the region.

In line with the ongoing implementation of the ‘Organised Crime: West African Response on Cybersecurity and fight against Cybercrime (OCWAR-C)’ funded by European Union, ECOWAS convened a Cybersecurity Symposium in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

The OCWAR-C project coordinator, Ms Rabiyatou Bah, noted that it was important for Member States to collaborate by sharing information and coordinating their actions.

The three-day symposium was held from 28 to 30 September 2021 with a view to continuing the provision of support to Member States in strengthening their cybersecurity capabilities, protecting their cyberspace and critical information infrastructure as well as sharing the best practices and national experiences.

Addressing the symposium on behalf of the Commission, the Acting Director, Digital Economy and Post, Dr. Kouame Raphael Koffi, harped on the opportunities and risks the internet brings hence the need to encourage a holistic approach and partnership in securing the community’s cyberspace.

He stated that the OCWAR-C project was part of the overall ECOWAS cybersecurity programme, which aims to facilitate, promote and secure the process of digital transformation in the ECOWAS region.

The Ambassador of European Union (EU) to Cote d’Ivoire, Mr. Jobst von Kirchmann, recalled the activities of the EU within the cybersecurity area in EU 27 Member States.

He reaffirmed the EU’s ongoing support to ECOWAS under the OCWAR programme: Organised Crime: West African Response comprising of three components – Cybersecurity (C), Money Laundering (M) and Trafficking (T) OCWAR-T, indicating that the three components have an underlying common thread: keeping the region secure.

Delivering his opening address to the symposium, the Minister of Digital Economy, Telecommunication and Innovation of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Roger Adom outlined the ongoing efforts by the country in the cyber realm such as the establishment of laws and decrees, creation of a number of structures that serve to contribute to the strengthening of cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime, such as ARTCI which implements the national cybersecurity policy and the African School of Information and Communication Technologies (ESATIC).

He commended the decision of the region to come together to create a safer region for all.


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