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Fifa Bans Chad Indefinitely From Global Football

World football governing body, Fifa has banned Chad from global football until further notice over government interference in the running of the country’s football federation.

The move comes after the minister of youth and sports dissolved the Federation of Chad Football Associations in March.
After the announcement by the Chadian government, the Confederation of African Football disqualified the national team from last month’s final two rounds of qualifying for the Africa Cup of Nations.

Chad do not have any upcoming international fixtures having been knocked out of the 2022 World Cup qualifying by Sudan in 2019.
An official statement from football world’s governing body said: “The Bureau of the Fifa Council or the Fifa Council may lift this suspension at any time before the next Fifa Congress takes place and we will inform you accordingly.”

The next congress is due to be held online on 21 May.
“The FTFA loses all its membership rights, as defined in article 13 of the Fifa Statutes, with immediate effect and until further notice,” the Fifa statement explained.
“FTFA representative and club teams are therefore no longer entitled to take part in international competitions until the suspension is lifted.

“This also means that neither the FTFA nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any development programmes, courses or training from Fifa.

“Moreover, we remind you and your affiliates not to enter into any sporting contact with the FTFA and/or its teams while the FTFA is suspended.”



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