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Inside Ibadan: Armed Robbers storm Apete area with PoS Machine

Armed robbery suspects on Saturday invaded the Eleshin area, Olomo community in Apete, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State and operated freely.

The suspects, said to have stormed the area at about 1 am, were said to be armed with a Point of Sale machine which they allegedly used to transfer money from the bank accounts of their victims.

Reports from the incident prove to have thrown the entire community into panic as residents are now living in palpable fear.

One of the residents, who did not want his name in print, for security reasons, said, “The armed robbers got to the area at the midnight around 1am. They operated freely. They came with a POS machine and transferred some amount of money, which cannot be specified at the moment, from one of their victim’s accounts. They also transferred an undisclosed amount of money from his wife’s account and left.

“They also went away with two phones, iPhone 11 Pro Max and XS Max.”

The case was said to have been reported at the Apete Divisional Police Headquarters.

As of press time on Sunday, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Adewale Osifeso, could not be reached for comments.



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