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NewsTop StoriesWorld

Man Denied Job because of his 9.5 inch Penis

The man was told there was 'inappropriate behaviour happening' as interviewers ‘thought he had an erection’ during his interview

A man has narrated how his enormous penis stopped him from getting a job, because his potential new employer thought he had an erection during the interview.

Appearing on Channel 4’s aptly named, My Massive C***, Joe told how his extra large appendage had held him back – professionally.

“It’s about nine and a half now,” Joe said on the show that looked at how the well-endowed get on in the world and the problems they face, before explaining his penis is “about a 12th of my height”.

He continued: “The scaling is off, quite off, it’s thicker than my forearm, it’s about 7[inches] around.”

Joe even had “special underwear” made to help support his penis and to stop it “falling out”. The pants come with an added pouch to “fit everything in”.

Speaking about one incident in which he had to wear a suit for an interview, Joe said: “The response I got was, ‘You’re not going to get the job, we thought you were a good candidate, but we thought there was inappropriate behaviour happening’.

“They thought I had an erection throughout this whole interview, and they were very much like, ‘You’re attire wasn’t right’.”

Joe told the programme that his interviewers “clearly meant, we can see your d**k.”

Viewers were stunned by one particular scene which featured a 10.5inch (26.6cm) penis uncensored.

One clip shows a couple looking to spice up their sex life with the help of an adult performer.

“It’s 10 and a half inches, from the base to the tip,” the interviewee, Andy explains, adding: “Size really matters in my line of work.” It has earned Andy over 25,000 followers.

Viewers couldn’t quite believe what they were seeing, with one writing that they “just spat out their drink”. Another wrote: “And I was worrying about what to have for dinner tomorrow, good grief.”

According to Channel 4, My Massive C***, is about, how for some men, an “extra-large seriously complicates their lives and relationships, and penis reduction surgery seems the only answer.”



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