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Survival Fund: FG Releases Registration Schedule as Portal Opens Up

The survival fund initiative of the federal government has officially kicked-off on Monday, September 21, 2020.

As the portal for the registration of prospective beneficiaries for the Survival Fund opens on Monday, the Federal Government has released the timetable for categories of businesses to register.
A statement issued in Abuja on Sunday by the Project Delivery Office stated that the portal which opens at 10 PM, will have educational institutions as the first category of beneficiaries to register.

“Nigerians interested in the Payroll Support scheme are to note that the site for registration will be open from 10 pm Monday, September 21, 2020.

“In order to ensure a seamless registration process, the Project Delivery Office (PDO) has designed a registration schedule.

“Registration for Payroll Support will start with educational institutions on Monday and will be followed with businesses in the hospitality industry on Friday, September 25 beginning from 12 A.M.

“The portal will also be open to other categories of small businesses from 12 A.M., on Monday, September 28, 2020,” the statement said.

The office therefore advised those interested in benefiting from the fund to take note of the schedule and also log on to to register for the payroll support initiative.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the survival fund is a conditional grant to support vulnerable Micro and Small enterprises in meeting their payroll obligations and safeguard jobs in MSMEs from the shock of the COVID- 19 pandemic.

The scheme is estimated to save at least 1.3 million jobs across the country while targeting an average of 35,000 individuals per state.


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