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Election Day Attack – Soldiers kill 60 Terrorists in Borno

The military in Borno State averted what could have been a major governorship and state assembly election day tragedy by foiling an attempted attack by the Islamic State’s West Africa Province on the Mafa Local Government Area collation centre in the state.

Dependable reports said the terrorists attempted to infiltrate the army base serving as a collation centre for the March 18 elections.

Troops, according to the sources, swiftly mobilised and confronted the terrorists, instantly killing 60 of them in a fierce duel.

Military sources in Maiduguri said the terrorists stormed Mafa Town in gun trucks and motorcycles around 2am and headed towards the military base where the collation of votes for the LGA was ongoing.

Troops of Operation Hadin Kai launched a counter-attack operation which was supported by Air Force fighter jets deployed for aerial bombardment on the fleeing terrorists, killing a large number while some of them fled with fatal wounds.

Operation Hadin Kai Theater Command sources confirmed that apart from the 60 corpses of the terrorists, troops recovered a Hilux vehicle, several weapons and ammunition from the fleeing terrorists.


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