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FMCG Giant, Rite Foods Leads in Innovation with Pan-African Brands

With a diverse range of unique products and a commitment to Africa, Rite Foods Limited, a Truly World-Class company in Nigeria’s food and beverage industry has continued to demonstrate its market leadership position as it embarks on adequate research and development to deliver unique brands that cater to the needs of consumers across Nigeria and the continent.

Recognized in the Africa 150 Report as one of the continent’s innovative brands with unrivalled flavours which are evident in its 13 Bigi variants of carbonated soft drink, the Bigi Table Water, the Fearless energy drink consisting of the Fearless Classic and Fearless Red Berry, the five variants of Sosa Fruit Drink as well as the Rite and Bigi Sausages, Rite Foods has shown that it will continue to make a difference in the food and beverage sector of Africa’s largest economy.

Against this backdrop, Rite Foods Managing Director, Mr. Seleem Adegunwa, pointed out that research is extremely important to the company and the success of its brands that are manufactured in an ultra-modern factory with up-to-the-minute technology, with artificial intelligence, in line with global best practices.

He stated that the company’s quest for new ways of doing things that are poised towards ground-breaking inventiveness has spurred the delivery of unparalleled brands with flavours that have a competitive edge over others in the food and beverage industry.

“Research is extremely important to us and we value that a lot. Our products are leaders in flavour innovation. On the Cola brand, there is a clear edge over the competition, and we lead on flavours like in the Apple and Tropical segments. Our brands are enhanced by having many products under them, and that is a reason why they look bolder and bigger on the shelf, among competitors,” Adegunwa avowed.

On its Sosa Fruit Drink, the new entrant into its market segment, the Rite Foods boss stated that the brand is a symbol of quality and a new way in which the company has attained excellent reviews.

Seleem Adegunwa, Managing Director, Rite Foods Limited

“I think one of the things we are known for and the important thing that we must build on is that symbol of quality. Looking to the future, we are ready to ensure that anything concerning our logo is of a very high standard, and we are strongly committed to that cause to produce world-class products,” he said.

On the premium Fearless energy drink that has topped the list in the Nigerian market, Adegunwa averred “Fearless is currently the market leader in the energy drinks segment in Nigeria, and to ensure that we stay on top and prevent competition; we intend to introduce new flavours and for us, it is constantly about ingenuity and adding new brands to expand our business.”

The company which began operation with the slogans “Truly World-Class and Proudly- Nigerian” describes the quality of what it tries to achieve by competing favourably at the global level, with a DNA and heritage that are completely Nigerian. As a pacesetter, it has shown an intention of expanding across Africa, hence its new slogan “Proudly-African.”

“This has been intentional to not just limit us to Nigeria, especially as the product is already expanding across the borders,” Adegunwa explained.



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